A magical world for Sonheria Pediatrics

Sonheria, a brand that brings the charm of children's stories to children's health care.

Dr. Vanessa Scheeffer, with an already influential presence on social networks, demanded a brand evolution that seamlessly integrated her established characteristics. However, the challenge extended beyond individual identity to encompass a collective vision, as the brand now expanded to accommodate multiple professionals within the clinic. The task was to strike a harmonious balance, retaining the essence of Dr. Scheeffer's brand while ushering in a new era of collaborative expertise.

In this project, our primary objective was to bring to life the founder's concept of a pediatric clinic uniquely tailored to cater specifically to children. This involved not only capturing the essence of a child-friendly environment but also ensuring that every aspect of the brand resonated with the founder's unwavering commitment to providing an exceptional healthcare experience for young ones. The challenge lay in translating this vision into a cohesive brand identity that would communicate warmth, care, and a child-centric approach.

Project developed by Okta Design for Sonheria Pediatrics

Creative Director: Camila Chisini

Brand Strategist: Camila Chisini

and Paula Rego

Copywriting and Naming: Paula Rego

Design: Luísa Fantinel and Camila Chisini
Illustration: Luísa Fantinel

Architecture: Jaqueline Machado

Brazil - 2021

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© 2024 Camila Chisini

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© 2024 Camila Chisini

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© 2024 Camila Chisini

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© 2024 Camila Chisini